21st Century Marketing Review for Devon Holiday Cottage Business

otrsc report coverOld Tavistock Railway Station was converted to a set of three award-winning holiday cottages in 2008. On the face of it, the owners had already adopted 21st century marketing techniques – their website was attractive and they were using Google AdWords pay-per-click advertising. However, they were not getting the results they expected, so they called us in to conduct a 21st Century Marketing Review.

We were able to identify why the business’s pay-per-click campaigns were both ineffective and expensive. We then built new, better-targeted AdWords campaigns (with built-in conversion tracking, fully researched keywords and new ad copy) and have kept optimising and improving those campaigns.

otrsc combinedWe used Google Analytics and years of experience of optimising websites to recommend subtle changes that would improve the experience of visitors to the site. Finally, we conducted a detailed review of all of the accommodation listings sites that Old Tavistock was registered with and advised which were likely to offer the best value for money.

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By Victoria

Website builder, Marketer, Google Analytics enthusiast. See more here : About Victoria & Clare Associates